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Married couple on the beach with flowers in the sand in the foreground

Marriage Legal Docs

Your wedding day has come and gone and now it's official. Let us help you complete the process with a checklist of what you will need to change your name.

Legal documents to change after getting married

You’ve walked down the aisle and said your “I Do’s”, now it’s time to change your last name, if you decide to do so. While there are paid services like “HitchSwitch”, who will take on the task of changing your name for you, you can save the money and do it yourself! Below is a quick and easy guide to follow to make the name change process as easy as possible.

  1. Update your Social Security Card– The Social Security office will be your first stop! Unfortunately, this means you will have to visit the Social Security office in person but, luckily, there is no fee to get a new Social Security Card. To find what documents you need to bring and the location closest to you, simply visit https://www.ssa.gov/locator/ .

  2. Head to the DMV – After your new social security card arrives, bring your marriage license and head on over to your nearest DMV office to obtain a new license. You will need to visit the DMV within 30 days of your name change. Depending on what state you live in, the fee may vary. To find more info about changing your information on your Driver License or ID Card, click here

  3. Update your credit union and bank information – As soon as your social security card is updated, along with your Driver’s License, you’ll want to head to your bank or credit union to update your information and get new debit and credit cards. Don’t forget to bring a certified copy of your marriage license, your new social security card and your new driver’s license!

After you get your social security card and driver’s license updated, you may also want to update the following information which should be fairly easy.

  • Your Passport

  • Your credit union/bank information

  • Retirement accounts

  • Insurance policies

  • Health Insurance

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