FCCU Impersonation SCAM - Be aware! If you receive a call, text or email from someone stating they are with FCCU asking for your Username, SECURE CODE or other personal banking information, it is a SCAM. Do not click on links in emails or texts. FCCU will NEVER ask for this type of information for any reason. If you have any concerns, please call 281-856-5300. Contact Us

Merchant Services

Is your business overpaying for debit and credit card processing? Our Merchant Services solution can save you money and bring increased value to you and your customers.

First Community Credit Union has partnered with Element Payment Systems to provide you with the best credit and debit card processing rates, equipment, funding speeds and customer service.

Element Payment Systems supplies merchants with the ability to accept any form of electronic payment. Plus, you'll enjoy these value-added benefits:

FREE Card Payment Terminal

In order to avoid potential fines, merchants are now required to process debit and credit cards utilizing the EMV chip. Most processing companies charge an average of $499 for new processing equipment. As an FCCU member, you will receive a state of the art VeriFone VX 520 EMV terminal completely free of charge simply by utilizing Element Payment Services for your card processing.

Guaranteed Cost Savings

Element will also reduce your rates substantially. They guarantee it! If Element can't save you money on your processing fees, they will pay you $100! No gimmicks.

Next Day Funding

You work hard and deserve to have your debit and credit card deposits the next day. With next day funding, as long as you batch out by 7:30pm, your funds will be in your FCCU account the next business morning.

Simplified Reporting

With Element and FCCU, you can receive all of your Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express reporting in one concise statement.

Local Customer Service

No matter when you need to contact Element Payment Services, they will be there to help! If you have a terminal go down, Element Payment Services will typically have you up and running with a new terminal in a few hours...even on a weekend!
Gwen Coscarelli

Gwen Coscarelli

AVP Treasury Development Manager

We’re here to help.

Let us know how we can support your business. Call our Business Services experts at 281.856.5765 or stop by a branch near you to discuss your business needs. Make an appointment to skip the line when you visit.

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