FCCU Impersonation SCAM - Be aware! If you receive a call, text or email from someone stating they are with FCCU asking for your Username, SECURE CODE or other personal banking information, it is a SCAM. Do not click on links in emails or texts. FCCU will NEVER ask for this type of information for any reason. If you have any concerns, please call 281-856-5300. Contact Us

Credit Cards

Swipe with confidence with a credit card that rewards you.

Enhance your purchasing power with the card designed to fit and reward your lifestyle. Whether you choose an FCCU Rewards Card or the GENIUS Card you have fantastic options which to pick from.

Annual fee


Intro rate of 6 months 0% APR

After Intro rate

11.99% - 17.99% APR

View our credit card designs.

A woman is looking the benefits of her credit card on a laptop in get Livingroom during a sunset.

Check out some these benefits we offer for our credit cards

  • A Contactless Card for a no-touch checkout experience
  • ID Navigator powered by Norton LifeLockTM Coverage
  • Lost/Stolen Card Reporting. If your card is lost or stolen, we will replace it promptly and work with you to inform those who need to know
  • It's easier than ever to pay with your FCCU mobile wallet

Take a Look
I lost my card but I don’t want to cancel it yet is there an option to freeze it?

Yes by downloading our Card Manager app you’re in full control of your cards security, you can place a freeze on it, set limits, and monitor charges all from your phone.

Can I have two credit cards for personal use?

Yes, in order to have two separate credit cards under a personal account you would have to qualify for a GENIUS and Rewards card. However you cannot have two of the same card, such as two GENIUS or two Rewards cards.

What is a Visa Secured Card?

A Visa Secured Card is a way to help you build credit without having a truly open credit card. A Visa Secured Card allows you to borrow against your own money and pay yourself back each month like you would a regular credit card, but instead of it being borrowed from the bank you’re borrowing from your own Secured Savings account. This card has starting limits as low as $500 it’s a great option for those new to credit or those looking to rebuild theirs.

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