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Credit Builder CD Loan1

Build, Rebuild or Establish Credit

If you need help building, rebuilding or establishing credit, applying for a Credit Builder CD Loan can help. 

How does it work? 
1. Apply for the Credit Builder CD Loan, up to $2,000, from FCCU by clicking on this link 
2. Choose your term from 6 months - 2 years.
3. Funds of the loan will be placed in a CD on hold with the same term of the loan until the loan is paid off. 
4. Monthly payments made on-time show a good payment history to help build your credit. 
5. Once paid off, the money is yours to keep in a CD or any account you would like.

Whether you are striving to build good credit or help repair your credit, our Credit Builder CD loan is a great way to show creditors that you're able to make payments on time and helps improve your overall score.

1The Credit Builder CD loan is available to members that are looking to build or repair their credit. Credit will be pulled during the application process for verification purposes only. Loan proceeds will be used to fund a CD with the same term as the loan. Funds will remain on hold in the CD until the loan is paid in full. If loan is paid off in full early, funds in the CD will be available but it is encouraged to wait until the CD has reached full maturity to move funds out. See credit union representative for full details.

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