FCCU Impersonation SCAM - Be aware! If you receive a call, text or email from someone stating they are with FCCU asking for your Username, SECURE CODE or other personal banking information, it is a SCAM. Do not click on links in emails or texts. FCCU will NEVER ask for this type of information for any reason. If you have any concerns, please call 281-856-5300. Contact Us

Remote Deposit Capture

Remote Deposit Capture (RDC) puts extra time back in your day, allowing you to stay focused on your business. Simply make business deposits right at your computer! Try RDC free for 90 days and enjoy all the convenience that comes with this service. 

First Community Business Account Deposits Made Easy:

  • Increases business productivity while reducing deposit preparation and related errors (No need to fill out deposit slips)
  • Minimizes or eliminates trips to  an FCCU branch (We love seeing you but we know you are busy!)
  • Avoids waiting in the lobby or drive-thru
  • Expedites collection of deposited checks resulting in reduced potential for returns and expedited notification of actual returns

Electronic Deposits are a great way to save you time and money! Streamline your deposit process today by calling our Treasury Services Team at 281.856.5765

For more information about RDC or any of our Business Solutions contact our Treasury Services Team at 281.856.5765.

*After the 90 day trial period, monthly fee: $40 (if scanner is rented with FCCU), monthly fee: $30 (if no scanner is being rented with FCCU). Remote Deposit is available to all business members and is subject to FCCU approval.

Gwen Coscarelli

Gwen Coscarelli

AVP Treasury Development Manager

Eva Garza

Eva Garza

Treasury Support Analyst

We’re here to help.

Let us know how we can support your business. Call our Business Services experts at 281.856.5765 or stop by a branch near you to discuss your business needs. Make an appointment to skip the line when you visit.

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