FCCU Impersonation SCAM - Be aware! If you receive a call, text or email from someone stating they are with FCCU asking for your Username, SECURE CODE or other personal banking information, it is a SCAM. Do not click on links in emails or texts. FCCU will NEVER ask for this type of information for any reason. If you have any concerns, please call 281-856-5300. Contact Us
person sitting at a desk with their laptop open while looking at their phone screen

New Features in Online Banking

CHECK IT OUT! First Community is excited to share some new updates to our online & mobile banking experience. Find out more below.

New features in online banking

At First Community Credit Union, we strive to provide the best modern conveniences to our members. That’s why we’ve added some more improvements to online banking. Take a look at a few of the changes available now:

New look in Mobile Banking

Quick links have been added to the home screen to assist in making frequently used actions that much easier to complete. Quickly transfer money between your accounts, make a Visa and/or Loan Payment, Deposit a Check and Pay a Bill without having to search for the option you need in the menu. Click the link you need to access and you’ll be done in a minute or two!

Credit Score

Don't guess or pay for your credit score! Simply login to Online Banking from your laptop or desktop to view your credit score. On the right-hand side, you'll see your comprehensive credit score analysis, full credit report, monitoring and personalized offers. In Mobile Banking, after you login, click the More button at the top right of the screen and your credit score will show for you.

Label Your Accounts

Customize the look of your dashboard by labeling them the way you want to help you with your financial goals. Have a second savings account that you're using to save for a vacation? Label it, Vacation! The possibilities are endless, and you can make this change from your phone or desktop.

Finger Print and FaceID login

Although not a new feature, we want to point out that these options have been made available for added account security. Next time you open our Mobile app, click 'Fingerprint' on Android or 'FaceID' on Apple on the login in screen, to set this feature up.

Try out these new features next time you're in online or mobile banking.

If you don't have the Mobile Banking app, download it here:
Apple App Store  |  Google Play Store

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