FCCU Impersonation SCAM - Be aware! If you receive a call, text or email from someone stating they are with FCCU asking for your Username, SECURE CODE or other personal banking information, it is a SCAM. Do not click on links in emails or texts. FCCU will NEVER ask for this type of information for any reason. If you have any concerns, please call 281-856-5300. Contact Us
Scammer taking money from innocent person

Don’t be a money mule

What is a money mule? Learn everything you need to know about these quick moving fraudsters and how to make sure you don’t fall victim.

Stay vigilant from these sneaky scams

A money mule is someone who receives and moves money that originated with victims of fraud.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Don’t agree to receive or send money or packages for people you don’t know or haven’t met in person.
  • Don’t send money to an online love interest, even if they send you money first.
  • Don’t pay to collect a prize or send someone money out of your “winnings.”

If you think you’ve been involved in a money mule scam, tell your financial institution, file a report with your local law enforcement office, and report the scam at reportfraud.ftc.gov.

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