FCCU Impersonation SCAM - Be aware! If you receive a call, text or email from someone stating they are with FCCU asking for your Username, SECURE CODE or other personal banking information, it is a SCAM. Do not click on links in emails or texts. FCCU will NEVER ask for this type of information for any reason. If you have any concerns, please call 281-856-5300. Contact Us

Purchase Money Second Lien Product

A Purchase Money Second Loan can be used by those who are looking to purchase a home and are interested in a second mortgage to supplement the amount of down payment needed.

It’s also great for home buyers who want to use some of their savings from a second mortgage loan on furniture, appliances, or other home-improvement projects instead of putting it down on the purchase of the home.

Choose between two lien options:

  • 80/10/10
  • 85/15/5
  • Minimum FICO score of 680

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